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Lancaster, PA 17601 -
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Financial Services

Imagine entering a dining room on Thanksgiving Day…the smell of a roasted turkey fills the air, and all the side dishes are laid out on the table. From the dressing and cranberry sauce to the homemade pumpkin pie, nothing is missing from this holiday feast. Instead of sitting down and enjoying the meal, however, you and every other hungry person quickly grab a fork and crawl under the table, anxiously awaiting any crumbs that may fall…
Unfortunately, this “Thanksgiving table” scenario where many are fighting for the crumbs on the floor (cash) instead of the feast on the table (assets) accurately describes what many nonprofits practice when pursuing financial support.
In contrast, Faithward Advisors will help you craft a planned giving strategy to inspire lasting gifts to sustain your charity long into the future. Though most organizations are continuing to fight for the crumbs, you can be assured that, with Faithward Advisors’ help, yours will be moving into the future confidently.
Contact Faithward Advisors today to learn more about the potential benefits of a planned giving program.
Faithward Advisors helps guide many nonprofit organizations and individuals with their stewardship strategies. Our services as specialized consultants can augment your existing planned giving efforts, or they can build the framework for a new planned giving endeavor. Our strategies include the constant marketing efforts that are required for your organization to stay in the forefront of donors’ minds when they are considering planned gifts. Additionally, our highly-credentialed team is ready to help those organizations not yet equipped to maximize noncash gifts. By bringing our expertise to the table, you can focus on caring for your donors and realizing your mission’s goals, while we work with you to help enhance your organization’s long-term sustainability.
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