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Financial Services

Many Christians would say that upholding God’s standards is their first priority, yet what they do with their money may tell a different story. Is there a way for Christians to pursue holiness in their finances, while also being wise investors? Is there a way for “values” to reign, without compromising your growth goals?
Today’s investment market includes plenty of socially responsible investment (SRI) opportunities for investors with a heart towards social activism, environmental, and other concerns. While there are many funds for various religious organizations, Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) is different.
Faithward Advisors offers only investment opportunities that aligns your resources, beliefs, and values. Our philosophy includes stocks, bonds, and other investments chosen by the Faithward Advisors Wealth Management Team using Bible-based screening tools. At the same time, our team remains committed to achieve performance goals that match each investor’s risk profile. We believe you shouldn’t have to compromise performance to live your values.
Contact us to receive a consultation to evaluate your existing portfolio.
With Biblically responsible investments, you will know where your investment dollars are going. With our Bible-based screening tools, we can exclude companies that endorse or profit from industries not aligned with your Christian values, including:
Alcohol or Tobacco
In addition, our screens extend beyond these more obvious evils into those that are more insidious in their cultural effect:
The Bible is clear that God expects us to put His money to work; after all, it is He who gives us the ability to produce wealth! That said, we are to be holy in all we do. There may not have been a stock market when the Bible was written, but Bible verses like Proverbs 27:23 sternly caution us to know where we are investing and in what.
Closing our eyes to sin that our investments fund is not the solution. Biblically Responsible Investing isn’t just about eliminating “bad” companies from your investment portfolio. Our Wealth Managers are also actively seeking God-honoring investment opportunities that don’t compromise your financial growth goals.
With over 51 million American households — 44% of the population — invested in one or more mutual funds, there is tremendous opportunity for Christians to change their world simply by investing differently.2
1 Source: eVALUEator services 2011
2Source: 2011 Investment Company Fact Book page ii, Investment Company Institute, 1401 H Street, NW Suite 1200, Washington DC
3Source: 2011 Investment Company Fact Book page ii, Investment Company Institute, 1401 H Street, NW Suite 1200, Washington DC
4Source: Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment as reported in the March 27, 2017 Wall Street Journal. Special Journal Reports: Wealth Management
Schedule a free consultation with the Wealth Management team at Faithward Advisors, who will look at how well your existing portfolio aligns with your Christian beliefs.