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Financial Services

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Dirk joined the Faithward Advisors team in 2014.
Dirk lives in Endwell, NY, with his wife Brenda and daughter Mackenzie. His son lives in Orlando, FL. His diverse hobbies include maintaining his stunning 220-gallon saltwater fish tank, traveling, and chauffeuring his daughter to synchronized swimming, the Maine-Endwell Varsity Dive & Swim team practice and meets, piano lessons, and other school functions.
Dirk Olds earned a four-year degree from West Virginia University in Education. After 10 years in the service industry, Dirk felt a calling to helping others and worked to become a financial services representative in 1993. His successful career began as an advisor with two major insurance companies. Following a promotion to manager, he started his own firm.
Dirk enjoys community service, as evidenced by his diverse résumé of activities. He is a past president of the Tri-Cities Opera Company, the treasurer of his daughter’s synchronized swimming team, and serves on the Finance Committee for the Endwell United Methodist Church.
I am blessed to be surrounded by colleagues, staff, an executive team and clients that have the same values, concerns and love for what we do and who we do it for.
Let us remain as empty as possible so that God can fill us up. -Mother Teresa
Group educational opportunities for your church, nonprofit organization, neighborhood, or small group Bible study.
During this crisis, we are facing critical questions. To address fears with facts and sort through the ever-changing financial landscape, we have created a brief but relevant presentation with an educational overview of market volatility as it relates to finances and charitable giving. Find answers to questions such as:
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act went into effect in 2018. The recent CARES ACT was passed in 2020. Their passing by Congress marks the most sweeping tax code overhaul in decades. Some experts suggest the significant changes could impact America’s finances in many ways. Hear from professionals to determine how your financial plan for retirement, your children’s college savings, and your tried-and-true strategies for charitable giving may be affected. Wise choices in light of this new legislation can help maximize your charitable giving and bless your family in the future. The rules have changed, but the principles of stewarding our financial gifts from the Lord remain the same.
A stewardship-centered planning process helps to focus on the eternal, instead of the temporal. By making good financial decisions, all of which are faith decisions, you can achieve proper balance. Everyone is asking three fundamental questions when they look at money:
• Who owns it?
• What are the finish lines? (How much is enough?)
• Is the next steward chosen and prepared?
As you plan your life, you must decide how to steward your finances. This seminar will direct you how to ask and answer the right questions when it comes to using money as a tool, a test, and a testimony.
This introduction to Biblically Responsibly Investing will explain the term ‘fiduciary’ and present a helpful overview of basics such as equities, fixed income, and risk diversification. While a large variety of investing opportunities known as ‘responsible’ exist, some may not align with your faith and values. Socially responsible investing, environmentally responsible investing, governance investing, and others may still support companies and causes you wouldn’t be proud to own. In this seminar, we will explore how BRI is fundamentally different.
This practical seminar dispels 15 common financial misunderstandings among families at every point on the spectrum of planning. From young people starting out to mid-career adults with family responsibilities, as well as those approaching retirement or already retired, you will learn timeless truths about college and retirement savings, investments, risk, insurance, estate planning, charitable giving, and more.
Faithward Advisors offers educational opportunities on many topics, for any group. Want to learn about how volatility is affecting the financial markets and your retirement savings? Need help planning for retirement and college savings? Looking for the best ways to financially support charities and your church, while also leaving a legacy for family? We can help!
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